Recover lost data from a RAID 0 volume with Intel® Rapid Storage Technology

Should a RAID 0 volume fail, it’s likely to be a disconnected drive or worse still a failed drive. If the drive has failed, the data will not be accessible and specialist data recovery will be necessary. To recreate the configuration, use the following steps.

The RAID 0 volume has failed following a disconnected drive

1. Power down the computer in the normal way.

2. Reconnect the drive.

3. Restart the computer. The option ROM during boot automatically marks the RAID 0 volume as normal. This can also be viewed in the Intel® Optane™ Memory and Storage Management application in the OS.

The RAID 0 volume has failed due to a drive malfunction

Normally the volume cannot be recovered, and the data will be lost. However, it may be worth resetting the disks to normal and attempting data recovery. Otherwise try resetting the volume.

This procedure deletes the failed RAID 0 volume and creates a RAID 0 volume.

1. Power down the computer.

2. Replace the failed drive with a new drive of at least equal or greater capacity.

3. Restart. During system startup, press CTRL+I at the same time to enter the option ROM user interface.

4. Click Delete RAID Volume.

5. Press the up/down arrow keys and select the failed RAID 0 volume.

6. Press Delete and delete the volume.

7. Press Y to confirm the deletion.

8. Click Create RAID Volume and follow the prompts to create a RAID 0 volume. Note: If the volume contained the operating system, this will need to be reinstalled

9. Click Exit.


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